Fresh foods: Grape Tomatoes wegmans - 1 pint 284g (2024)

Grape Tomatoes wegmans - 1 pint 284g nutrition facts and ingerients

Grape Tomatoes wegmans - 1 pint 284g nutrition facts and ingerients

Grape tomatoes wegmans food facts

Barcode: 0077890777626

Product name: Grape Tomatoes wegmans - 1 pint 284g

Quantity: 1 pint 284g

Packaging info: No Packaging data

Brand list: Wegmans

Origin country: No Origins data

Categories: Plant-based foods and beverages, Plant-based foods, Fruits and vegetables based foods, Vegetables based foods, Vegetables, Fresh foods, Fresh plant-based foods, Tomatoes and their products, Fresh vegetables, Tomatoes, Fresh tomatoes

Awards, Labels, Certifications: No Awards data

Distribution stores: Wegmans

Countries of selling: No Selling Countries data

Grape tomatoes wegmans ingredients


No Ingredients data

Grape tomatoes wegmans supplements

No Supplements data

Grape tomatoes wegmans nutrition facts

Grape tomatoes wegmans nutrition facts

Nutrition factsAs sold
for 100 g / 100 ml
Compared to: Fresh vegetables
Energy0 kj
(0 kcal)
Fruits‚ vegetables‚ nuts and rapeseed‚ walnut and olive oils (estimate from ingredients list analysis)0 %

Calories brakedown